Location Scouting #1: Vessel NYC


The Vessel, Hudson Yards, NYC

I’ve been eyeing this place ever since it started development. Friends and I would walk up and down the high line to the Javits Center pointing at the massive drill structure, meanwhile making Gurren Lagann references.

Happy to say the homies secured tickets to this super crowded attraction. It was free but you had to rsvp ahead of time since it was so popular. So decided to go with a couple of friends that were also photographers.

Darien D. Hester: Photography & Design (IG FB)

Jessica Leung (IG)

The three biggest take away from this were this was a great chance for people in the city to get a rooftop vantage point that was free. The structure was awesome. It had a lot of reflections due to the material it was made up of and was designed to have symmetry; both could lead to some really cool photos. Lastly stairs… a lot of stairs.


I also ran into a lot of other photographers and asked to take photos of them taking photos.

Sadly I don't know who this is. OTL I forgot to ask for their info, but thanks random person for letting me take your picture. 

It was a humbling experience but also gave a little nod to the ego to be apart of all these talented people trying to capture the same location. This inspires me to get the most out what ever I can, and also to try and get unique perspectives.

With the exploring and scouting out of the way, it was time for all of us to get some shots.


Also in return, they took photos of me too.

Photography: Jessica Leung

Photos by Darien D. Hester: Photography & Design and Jessica Leung.

After all is said and done, met up with some more friends for food and went over my shots.
The Vessel turned out to be a staple location I tend to shoot at now. I can see myself heading back there often to do shoots or just to hang out. It’s nice.


Beach and Tents


Oni Classroom Shoot