Beach and Tents

Did a photoshoot with Ninja Dee and Ting Ting/


The basic concept of this shoot here was simple. We wanted to get Princess Vivi shots based off the figurine.

And on top of that, we wanted our yearly beach photos. Have to soak up the LA beach weather while we can. We were also showing some out of town friends what a beach looked like. 😂

They were coming in all the way from Singapore and apparently they don’t have too many beaches over there. So while shooting, they explored the Santa Monica Pier.



Love shooting with these two. Feels like tradition to do a pool/beach shoot each year.

Above: Ninja Dee cosplaying Vivi from One Piece.

Bellow: Photos from the joint shoot. Just wanted to have them chill with each other taking it all in. I think I captured the vibe. After shooting on the sand we made our way over to the Pier to join our other friends and ended up shooting there as well.

After a while off chilling at the beach, we got enough photos and just wanted to eat. We had a pretty packed day and before running off to our next event, we went out for food!

Chicken and waffles for the whole squad.

After the beach, pier and foods we decided to hit up this cute lil rainbow tent attraction. It was next to some tar museum so the smell wasn’t the most pleasant. After some adjusting to the new environment, the camera came back out and we took more photos.


Black Sands Beach Shoot


Location Scouting #1: Vessel NYC