Oni Classroom Shoot


Oni Sukeban Shoot

This photoset was made with the intention of adding to my October series. We combined Oni - Demons with school girls/sukeban to get a nice Japanese aesthetic type photo shoot. Shooting it in an actual classroom to push for more on location shots.

I basically took a few friends into my uni during the weekend and found an empty class room to shoot in. We then needed it to look the part so we mock destroyed the room, throwing chairs around, flipping them and desks around, writing on the black board, etc. After they did their makeup we did our shoot. Very straight forward experience but it was fun.

After we were done with the classroom we transitioned to a near by roof where we got in trouble with security (sweats) but nothing bad came out of it but overall was a fun time. #worth.

Models: Yuna Moon, hashi 箸ちゃん and Purinrin- プリンリン

Assistants: Alvin and Eric Mei.

These are some selfies that Yuna Moon took with the other models during breaks.


Models: Yuna Moon, hashi 箸ちゃん and Purinrin- プリンリン

Assistants: Alvin and Eric Mei.

Shout out the assistants btw, they really helped sell this shoot by acting as visual punching bags.

Check out the full photoset here!


Location Scouting #1: Vessel NYC


Koi Fish mermaid bath