Gamer Bath

The idea was simple. Games and baths. Turn game consoles into bath tubs, then have models chill in the bath as an iconic game characters for that respective system.

The initial inspiration for this project stemmed from the work of the artist Leaphere. Bellow you’ll find bath ideas based on consoles from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Please check out the print store if you like anything you see. Thank you.

As a quick disclaimer, we do not own or represent any of the game companies listed below. This is simply fanart. We do not sell or distribute properties of the brand or product, but only the fan art that we created. Please enjoy.



  1. Junkers Cosplay Inc. - Megaman SNES

  2. Celeste - Squirtle Gameboy Color

  3. Hunni loli - Kirby Gameboy Color

  4. Chaotic Flare - Bowser Nintendo 64

  5. XfruitcakeX- Sheena GameCube

  6. Wreck It Ronnie - Sonic GameCube

  7. Dangrrr - Samus Wii

  8. Hanakima - Zelda Switch

  9. Yuna Moon - Isabelle Switch



  1. Stephan Roberts - Ryu Play Station

  2. Kissmyashe - Chun-Li Play Station

  3. Danisaurz - Morrigan Play Station

  4. CloudNine - Cloud Play Station

  5. XxSnowFrostxX - Lara Croft Play Station

  6. Lucaplex - Kairi PS2

  7. Amber - Sly Cooper PS2

  8. Gloria Lamothe - Bayonetta PS3

  9. Ninja Dee -Futaba PS4

  10. Mizzi Mie - Kunimitsu PS4

  11. Sayushimi & Akira - Noctis & Luna PS4



  1. Akemi101xoxo - Ivy Xbox

  2. Mei Hoshi - Kasumi Xbox

  3. Neocoolstar - Faith Xbox 360

  4. Kazeandcosplay & Ninja Dee - 2b & A2 Xbox One

  5. Dancing Imperial - Yennefer Xbox One


Gamer Bath Print Store

Saw something you liked? Get a physical copy for yourself from our store.
