Protection Witch Shoot

Check out this behind the scenes video of our shoot. We're both wimps so this took a lot more work than needed.

Protection witch shoot was another shoot that I wanted to use for the October series. It was a collaborative project with Master Jack. She helped me form and mold an idea into an actual concept and then into a project. She’s amazing.


As with other projects we did together, we started the process with intense planning. Using power points to remote plan until we met up.

She wanted to do a sort of Asian witch aesthetic which I had 0 oppositions to. I thought it would be a pretty cool idea.

So some things we made sure to get for the shoot were props. The more elements we had, the more immersive we felt we could have made it. And funny how that worked out, the pictures came out really nice. But more than that, there was an atmosphere that developed as we were setting up and started shooting. It honestly felt like we weren’t alone there, and that in itself was creepy.


Some props we made sure to use were candles. Another was a fog machine. We really tried to get our fog machine working but it just didn’t. That was a bummer. She also brought with her a sage, a skull, chalk, various totems and items.


On my end I just needed to set up my gear such as wiring, camera, camera stands, laptop, lighting and eventually…music because the eerie silence of the night was getting to the both of us.

Some key concepts we wanted to hit during the shoot were stuff like magic circles, potions and casting spells.


Fun fact

We renamed the concept to Protection witch because while we were drawing the circles, we didn’t want to accidentally summon demons or bad spirits. So to pivot, we looked up protection circles instead.


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