Fate Beach Shoot

Fate GO cosplay beach photoshoot at Malibu California.

This was a different experience because while I did have my camera on me, I put most of my time into assisting the other photographers and learning from them. I also ran around grabbing BTS.


Check out these awesome Fate beach cosplays!
White Specs PhotographyAlive Alf Photography, Christopher Nguyen and Lagoon=Out

Ishitar - peppymiint cosplay
Scathach - Boomie of Strawberry Censor Cosplay
Saber Rider Alter - GG of Strawberry Censor Cosplay
Jalter - Kitkath Cosplay
Nitocris - Just Sayuki
Ozzy - CloudNine Cosplay

Learning from the senpais. Alive Alf Photography on the left, White Specs Photography on the right.

These two are legends in the cosplay photography space.

It’s really cool to watch them shoot up close, seeing how they direct models, how they pose people, the gear they use and all.

Overall it was a really fun time, I really wish I could get something like this going for One Piece. My aim is to spear head a photoshoot like this along with other photographers I respect. With that said I hope it because a normal thing for photographers to assist other photographers in shoots. Everyone wins.


Protection Witch Shoot