A night on Fire Island

I’m no Stranger, to fire Island. I’ve come here multiple times for different kinds of shoots, to vibe and just hang out from time to time. check out my other blog post about this place here.

The squad found ourselves here again to capture this place in a different light. Most of the times I’ve come here it’s been a beautiful summer beach day with sunny skies. We did have that one super whited out fog time, but I really wanted to capture this spot with dark moody skies. Finding these conditions outside of rain was surprisingly challenging.

The tower during Blue hour is gorgeous. With the dark clouds, as a backdrop, of the lighthouse is a perfect model.

Model: Helen

“Quiet frost blows over, our light guides us home”
— Helen Kwong

Thank you, Helen, for grabbing shots of me.

For the longest time I really wanted to lighthouse photos of myself with this kind of aesthetic. It was one of my biggest regrets during my Maine trip that I forgot to take some self-portraits. So, I’m happy that I was able to get some usable photos here, and with some editing, I really came to love them.


Malibu Shores


LOCATION SCOUTING #6: Portland Head Light