

Before delving into the enchanting world of my custom yokai creation, I want to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of Japan, particularly the fascinating realm of yokai.

This blog post draws inspiration from the incredible website Yokai.com, which has been a wellspring of creativity and imagination. What started as a desire to showcase a photo I had passionately crafted evolved into a captivating journey, giving rise to a unique yokai with its own narrative and origins.

It's crucial to emphasize that the entity presented here is purely a product of creative exploration—it's not a genuine yokai but rather a whimsical "what if" scenario. My intention is to approach this endeavor with utmost respect for the traditional roots of yokai folklore. I recognize the importance of preserving the authenticity and reverence for Japanese culture.

I hope you enjoy this playful venture into the realm of imagination, understanding that it is a celebration of creativity while acknowledging the significance of cultural sensitivity. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.





Translation: Hot Water Tengu

Alternate names: Bathing Tengu

Habitat: Wild Onsen, Geothermal pools

Diet: Lust, Humans

Appearance:  Yuten'gu's ethereal form is ever-shifting, often adopting the guise of a bewitching young woman to entice unsuspecting wanderers. The allure is heightened by the visage of a red wooden mask adorned with a yuguchi, from which spiritual hot spring water cascades. The yokai presents a paradox of age, featuring a youthful body paired with flowing white hair. Adorned with prayer beads draped in moss, fur, or algae, and crowned with black wings on its back, Yuten'gu is a mesmerizing embodiment of both beauty and mystique.

Behavior: Yuten'gu's behavior is a fascinating dichotomy. In its tranquil state, it embodies the essence of zen while bathing in the wild onsen. However, hunger awakens a more active, aggressive, and seductive side. The yokai preys on individuals with ulterior motives, using its illusionary beauty to entice them. Travelers with impure intentions become a feast for Yuten'gu, whereas those pure of heart are spared. The Tengu patiently awaits the arrival of the next meal, ensuring it partakes only in the most flavorful experiences.

Origin:  The heart of Yuten'gu's power lies in its magical mask, a red wooden visage fixed with a yuguchi. This mask acts as a mystical conduit, generating hot spring water with rejuvenating properties. The magical water flowing from the mask's nose is a result of a forceful extraction of youth and life force from unworthy guests. The mask, a repository of stolen vitality, has become a symbol of the yokai's paradoxical nature.  

Interactions: Those bewitched by Yuten'gu suffer a peculiar fate, losing their youth and lifespan to become fertilizer for the yokai's rejuvenating bath. However, travelers pure of heart are blessed with the opportunity to bathe in the magical waters, leading to a rejuvenated and extended life. Yuten'gu's encounters often leave a hazy memory, with only the haunting image of the mask dispensing life-giving water.

Legends:  Centuries ago, in the heart of a secluded mountain forest, an old villager named Haruki embarked on a solitary journey. His weary feet led him to a realm of enchantment, where the air hummed with the secrets of nature and the landscape revealed a hidden gem—a wild onsen whose waters seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light.

Drawn to the ethereal glow, Haruki approached the mystical bath, where he beheld a figure immersed in its rejuvenating embrace. A Tengu, adorned in a resplendent red mask embellished with a yuguchi, greeted him. Unbeknownst to Haruki, this was Yuten'gu, a guardian of the onsen, and a silent arbiter of the hearts that sought its waters.

Yuten'gu, curious about the purity of Haruki's intentions, extended an invitation to join in the ethereal bath. To the yokai's surprise, Haruki harbored no ulterior motives. Instead, he marveled at the miraculous properties of the waters, sharing anecdotes of ailments fading away and decades melting from his weary bones. Yuten'gu, moved by the sincerity of this encounter, blessed Haruki with a rejuvenated spirit, erasing the burdens of age and infirmity.

As Haruki returned to his village, a transformed man with vigor coursing through his veins, he spoke of the mesmerizing mountain bath and the enigmatic Tengu. Villagers, captivated by his newfound vitality, became eager to discover the source of his revitalization. The stories of Yuten'gu and the mountain onsen spread like wildfire, weaving a tapestry of intrigue and caution.

Inspired by Haruki's tale, villagers endeavored to replicate the magic, erecting fountains adorned with Tengu masks throughout the region. Each fountain, a testament to the hope of healing and longevity, became a pilgrimage site for those seeking the elusive mountain bath.

Among those who dared to embark on the pilgrimage, there were those whose hearts were clouded by impure motives. These wanderers, driven by the selfish pursuit of eternal youth or fueled by a desire for fleeting pleasures, found themselves ensnared by the deceptive beauty of Yuten'gu. The Tengu, adept at discerning the intentions of the visitors, revealed its darker side to those who harbored ill will.

In the shadowy depths of the wild onsen, these unfortunate souls discovered the true nature of their encounter. Instead of the promised rejuvenation, they became vessels for the extraction of life force, their youth stolen away by the magical waters that flowed from Yuten'gu's mask. The once-beautiful bath turned into a haunting spectacle, adorned with the remnants of those who succumbed to the yokai's allure.

The legends tell of travelers, their faces frozen in expressions of shock and regret, forever etched into the stonework of the fountains they had sought to replicate. The Tengu masks, once symbols of hope, now stood as ominous reminders of the consequences of seeking the extraordinary without purity of heart.

Yet, amid these cautionary tales, there were those who ventured into the mountain forest with genuine hearts. Travelers of pure intent, weary from life's trials but untainted by selfish desires, were met with a different fate. They found themselves blessed by Yuten'gu, allowed to partake in the magical waters without cost. These fortunate few emerged from the rejuvenating bath with a newfound vitality, carrying the yokai's benediction back to the village.

As the legends unfolded, the mountain forest became a realm of duality—a place where the line between salvation and peril blurred, where seekers of the extraordinary faced the consequences of their hearts' truest desires. The story of Yuten'gu and the wild onsen became a cautionary narrative, a reminder that the pursuit of the mystical must be tempered with purity, for within the shadows of enchantment, both miracles and tragedies await.


Kintsugi of the Soul: Embracing the Beauty of Imperfection


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