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Art Kadu=Out Art Kadu=Out


Embark on a mystical journey with Yuten'gu, a captivating yokai inspired by the allure of wild onsens and the enigmatic Tengu. Uncover the paradoxical nature of this seductive entity, where beauty meets danger, and discover the legends that weave through the magic of its rejuvenating waters.

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Location, Shoots, Tips Kadu=Out Location, Shoots, Tips Kadu=Out

Motoko Kusanagi: Futuristic Onsen Cosplay & Remote Photography Tips

Dive into a captivating world where anime allure meets ancient elegance! Join us on an unforgettable journey as we venture into the enigmatic universe of "Ghost in the Shell" with our talented friend donning the guise of Motoko Kusanagi. Set against the tranquil backdrop of a traditional Japanese onsen, this unique photoshoot embraces the seamless integration of futuristic elements and historic charm. But that's not all! Aspiring photographers, get ready to uncover some valuable tips and tricks for remote shooting, making this an adventure of inspiration for all.

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Art, Inspo Kadu=Out Art, Inspo Kadu=Out

Food Project

Over the duration of the production period for this project, the theme changed many times. The original aim was for this to be a photoset merging sushi and women. Ideas then spilled into a ramen and sushi set. From there I wanted to make a cookbook. The cookbook aspect pushed me to work on a lot more than I originally planned, but with myself not being a chef made the non editing aspects kind of difficult. Over the two years of changing focus, I settled on just a food book.

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