Wankanda 3d Room envornment

I created an interior design based off the Black Panther movie. I wanted to create a custom room as if it was inside of Wakanda.

Storm hanging out in a Wakanda bath house, 3d modeled by Lagoon Out

I used a 3d software, 3dsMax to try and create this room, which is sort of like a bathroom/pool area. Towards the end, I settled on a Wakanda Bathhouse. Usually to achieve this look, I’d need multiple people. With that said, even with only one subject, I could still get the point across. In order for me to get this photoset to work, it only had to satisfy two requirements.

Those are for the photo to look realistic and for it to feel like Wakanda. The first requirement is always a must as a photo manipulator. I always aim for realism in my shots. When I get the “where’d you shoot this?” comment, I always smile knowing I accomplished that goal. When someone thinks the background is real or is so seamless that people don’t even consider it’s CGI, that always feels great.

The second requirement was just as challenging. In order for me to achieve this I first had to do some research. I looked up quotes and inspiration that went behind the actual creation of the black panther film. I found sources websites which showed early concept arts and the artistic direction that went into creating the incredible world of Wakanda. I looked into some of the comics for the same thing.

I mainly noticed some small key things and implemented them into my own scene such as the shape of the buildings are mostly tubes in circular, I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of foliage in the shots the colors of the tones which is usually lots of golds Reds blacks, browns and greens

I looked online for the Wauconda fonts that they would have in the movie luckily; I did find some and I use that to engrave some of the golden pieces in the shot that had lights shining out of it


I then thought it would be a really nice touch to add a panther statue made of stone that was actually a fountain so water would come out of and fill the bath or pool

When I was looking for African accessories and decor to add to the room

Looking at early screenshots of the movie I saw these interesting lamps and I try to create my own versions of them where it has a wooden exterior but shine nice warm light into the scene, also in a circular design.

I also wanted to give a more futuristic in modern look to the room since Wakanda is a city of technology, so I wanted to go out very clean and sleek but yet tribal at the same time

I made sure to use very rich tile texture. The texture itself the colors black and gold I wanted the whole scene to feel wealthy.


Then after creating the environment, I did a photo shoot with this model who dressed up as storm. We thought Storm would be a fitting candidate since in some comics, she has relationships with this place and is a beautiful black queen. I do plan on using this location again later on.

Please check out the full shoot here and here.

I hope it translated well and hope you enjoy thanks!


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