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Location Kadu=Out Location Kadu=Out

I had the best time At Waikiki Beach

Waikiki beach has been famous for many years because of Duke Kahanamoku, the father of modern surfing. Because of him, riding the giant waves became everyone's dream, and Waikiki became a dream destination. From the gorgeous turquoise beach to the stunning Diamond crater, Waikiki beach is the perfect spot!

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Art, Inspo Kadu=Out Art, Inspo Kadu=Out

Food Project

Over the duration of the production period for this project, the theme changed many times. The original aim was for this to be a photoset merging sushi and women. Ideas then spilled into a ramen and sushi set. From there I wanted to make a cookbook. The cookbook aspect pushed me to work on a lot more than I originally planned, but with myself not being a chef made the non editing aspects kind of difficult. Over the two years of changing focus, I settled on just a food book.

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